Bridging the Gap between Business and Technology

Need to explain how technology can help or is helping your business? This blog serves as a means to educate and discuss technique, issues, and need for communicating how technology is used to improve today's businesses. Here I'll share practical information on to improve communication skills and deliverables so that you can more effectively explain how you or your business is using technology to improve revenues, streamline production, and/or reduce liability.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

When Changes are Coming - Communicate!

In Mary K Pratt's Leading Change article in Computerworld, she outlines twelve steps on how to lead change and give us another example of why it is important to communicate. Remember change management doesn't only apply to your technology - but also to your people. Change is scary for most people. The more you communicate what's happening and what to expect, the smoother things will go.


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